Monday, March 24, 2014

Review: Manhood Restored

In Manhood Restored: How the Gospel Makes Men Whole, Pastor Eric Mason (@pastoremase) confronts the brokenness of manhood in our culture, holding out the Gospel of Jesus Christ as the cure.


This book clearly flows from a pastor’s heart, and so it is at once both deeply theological and very practical, simultaneously convicting and comforting, and full of great illustrations of the important principles Pastor Mason wants to convey.
That balance between mining the depths of the gospel and applying the truths therein is what I appreciated the most, I think; too many books talk of the gospel in abstract terms, while others are basically self-help books with a little Christianese mixed in. In contrast, Pastor Mason talks about the Good News of what Jesus has done and then clearly connects it to tangible areas of manhood.
I repeatedly found myself highlighting, underlining, and circling different things that I want to come back to, such as his outline for establishing a vision for one’s family, his suggestions for establishing a plan for our wife’s spiritual growth, or his breakdown of the different aspects of our ministry as the “pastors of our homes.”


Honestly, there is not much that I have to say as far as weaknesses go. This is solid, biblical stuff. (I will say that the book probably could’ve avoided some pretty obvious errors in spelling and grammar had they given it another proofread – but that’s just nitpicking.)


There is a lot to take away here! I think that, at the end of the day, this book encouraged me to see Jesus in a new light; obviously He is my Lord, my Savior, my King, my Shepherd... but now I also see Him as my role model for manliness.

At one point Mason says, "Leadership is taking the initiative for the benefit of others." (p.131) That was probably my biggest takeaway: my family and my church need me to step up and lead! Just as Jesus out of love took the initiative on our behalf, so I too must lovingly take the initiative in my family and in my church to pursue their good and God's glory.

"Leadership is taking the initiative for the benefit of others"

Recommendation: Buy it!

This book deserves a spot on your shelf. Buy it. You’re going to highlight it, take notes, and refer back to it again!

7.5 out of 10

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